Medical Education Collaborative Committee

Medical Education
The Medical Education Collaborative Committee (MECC) is responsible for identifying and progressing work that leads to excellence in medical education for students, and supports the ongoing quality assurance and quality improvement of Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand medical programs. Its role is to:
- Facilitate a Community of Practice to share issues, ideas, good practice, resources, and sector developments and support those working in medical education
- Advise on and recommend on sector-wide initiatives or responses to strategic issues or developments that impact medical education and training
- Shape and support Medical Deans’ commentary and contribution to medical education matters, including informing and guiding Medical Deans’ advocacy work
- Lead and support the development of Medical Deans’ positions, guidance, and resources
Related Community of Practice
Medical Deans has an extensive and active Network of Medical Education Leads in Australia and New Zealand (MELANZ) who connect to share information, experiences, ideas and resources via a dedicated Medical Deans’ Basecamp portal, and who are a source of advice and insights to the Medical Education Collaborative Committee.
Please contact [email protected] with any queries
Related Pages

Good practice in Medical Education
Resources to support excellence in primary medical education and training

Inclusive Medical Education
Guidance and approaches to build greater inclusivity within schools

Assessment that supports students’ learning
Resources and collaborative initiatives to support effective assessments of and for students’ progression through the program