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Workforce and Training

Leads Medical Deans’ work advocating for the development of a medical workforce aligned to the needs of Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand communities. Its role is to: 

  • Provide a forum for discussing issues and sharing ideas to build the medical workforce we need where we need them.
  • Guide the development of proposals and action-oriented recommendations for policies and initiatives that are likely to deliver the graduate, junior doctor, and specialist medical workforce we need, where we need them 
  • Advise on and recommend actions to be undertaken by Medical Deans to support our positions 
  • Work with and across Medical Deans’ committees and communities of practice to inform and support their contribution to progressing the recommendations developed 
  • Lead the development of submissions, opinion pieces, articles and other material relevant to the medical and broader health workforce 

Key areas of focus 

Developing the GP workforce we need 
A workforce choosing and supported to work in remote, rural and regional areas 
Growing the Indigenous doctor and academic workforce 
Developing and supporting our clinician-educator workforce 

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